If Joe Biden Becomes President, He Will Declare War On Your Religious Freedoms
“The Biden Plan to Advance LGBTQ+ Equality in America and Around the World” should have been titled, “The Biden Plan to Restrict Religious Freedoms in America and Around the World.” Or, “The Biden Plan to Undo the Freedoms Secured Under President Trump.” The cat is out of the bag.
Living in a Post-Conservative World
I have heard people talk about a “post-Christian” world but it would be more appropriate to talk about a post-conservative world.
Putting the Culture Wars in a Multigenerational Perspective
Unfortunately, many Christians are so focused on the world to come that they lose sight of the importance of living fruitful lives in the here and now.
Push To Legalize Polygamy Uses Same Arguments As Push For Same-Sex Marriage
The ‘love is love’ strategy was so successful for the gay marriage lobby, why should polygamists reinvent the wheel?
When the Left Lectures Us On Right and Wrong
Every single one of them supports open slather on abortion, advocating and celebrating abortion right up until birth.
A Friendly Word to the Never Trumpers
President Trump’s State of the Union message, coupled with the Democratic response, reminds me of why I voted for Trump in 2016. And why I plan to vote for him again in 2020.
Trump, SOTU, Pelosi and the Left
The 80-minute address was a powerful performance, with plenty of standing ovations along the way. Many have already said that it was among the best of such recent speeches.
America, Trump and Abortion
Three extraordinary things happened this week that have never happened before in the US.
Planned Parenthood Consultant Admits Babies May Feel Pain While Being Aborted
The Journal of Medical Ethics has published a paper calling for fetal pain to “be considered as part of a humane approach to abortion”.
When a Drag Queen Has to Lecture Woke Parents on Morality
You know that American culture has hit an all-time low when it takes a drag queen to tell “woke” parents to keep their kids out of drag bars. Who would have thought?