The co-founder of the “#ShoutYourAbortion” movement was featured on a popular YouTube channel for children telling kids that abortions are “part of God’s plan” and that they are much like going to the dentist.
Abortion activist Amelia Bonow fielded questions from children of various ages when she participated in an episode of “Kids Meet,” a program run by the Seattle-based HiHo Kids. Bonow was the star of an episode called “Kids Meet Someone Who Has Had an Abortion.”
In the episode, a child talking with Bonow in a one-on-one setting tells her that he wrote a paper on abortion in the fifth grade in which he surmised that abortion was acceptable as long as the person getting the abortion was not being “reckless.”
Bonow smirked at the thought of a potential restriction to abortion and questioned the kid’s belief.
“I don’t know. I just don’t agree,” she said. “Do we want people to just have all those babies?”
As the kid shakes his head to indicate “no,” Bonow asks the child what should be done with all the babies that are being born instead of aborted. He answered with “adoption.”
But that response was not to the liking of Bonow.
“I feel like if I am forced to create life, I have lost the right to my own life,” responded Bonow. “I should be the one to decide if my body creates a life. Even if you are giving a kid up for adoption, you still like have a kid out there somewhere.”
Bonow questioned if the child was religious. When he said that he believed in God, she asked what he thinks is God’s view on abortion. The child reasoned that God supports abortion because there are plenty of other babies being born into the world.
The boy then asked Bonow what she believes God thinks about abortion.
“I think it is all part of God’s plan,” she stated.
In another scene, Bonow is shown talking with two girls. One of them asks her: “what exactly do you do to have an abortion?”
Bonow explained:
“You go to the doctor and they put this little straw inside of your cervix, and then inside of your uterus and they just suck the pregnancy out. It was like a crappy dentist appointment or something. It was just like, blah — a body thing that was kind of uncomfortable but then it was over and I felt really just grateful that I wasn’t pregnant anymore.”
In another scene, Bonow is shown talking with a boy and a girl on when life begins.
Bonow explained that she believes that life begins at birth, while the teen boy goes on to compare a human fetus to a “sea cucumber.”
“It is not thinking, it is just living. It is like your arm is not capable of complex thought. Neither is a baby inside your womb,” the boy says.
Bonow followed up by stating, “I like your take.”
In the video, Bonow admits that she had unprotected sex and aborted her child because she did not want to have a baby. She was asked if there ever was a point she was considering not getting an abortion.
“No. For me it was like an instant feeling. I was like, I am pregnant and I am having an abortion,” she said.
Bonow was also asked if she has ever been attacked by “pro-life people.”
She went on to criticize the pro-life effort and implied that the only people looking to restrict abortion are white males who want to control women’s bodies. She went on to accuse some pro-lifers of not caring about life once the baby is born, saying that they want to “deprive people of access to healthcare.”
“Yes, but I don’t call them pro-life. I call them anti-choice. Because who would disagree with that statement [of] being pro-life,” Bonow said, adding that the pro-life mantra is just “propaganda.”
“Those guys aren’t pro-life. I am pro-life,” she quipped.
Contrary to Bonow’s assertion, several of the prominent pro-life advocacy groups lobbying for restriction to abortion are led by females, such as Susan B. Anthony List, Concerned Women for America, March for Life and National Right to Life.
The Christian Post reached out to SBA List for a reaction to Bonow’s comments. A response could not be received by press time.
The video received several negative reactions from users on Twitter, with some accusing it being indoctrination. One user who claimed to support a right to abortion worried that Bonow and the #ShoutYourAbortion campaign are advertising abortion as a form of birth control.
Kris Williams, a pro-life reformed rapper turned YouTube commentator, responded to Bonow’s segment. In his own YouTube video, Williams played the “Kids Meet” clip and refuted many of the claims Bonow makes in the video.
“God is not pleased with the killing of children,” Williams said. “I don’t know what she means by part of God’s plan — as if he commanded it to happen or if He is OK with what happened. She would have to define that a little more. But no, God is not OK with your murdering your child. God is pretty clear in the law with what He thinks about murder.”
Williams and refuted Bonow’s use of the phrase “suck the pregnancy out.”
“She is making it seem like there is some kind of nebulous thing going on and we really don’t know what happened,” said Williams. “You suck the pregnancy out? No, you suck the child that you are pregnant with.”
Williams accused Bonow of playing down to the children’s ignorance on the issue.
“The child in the womb is still a child. The fetus in the womb, what do you think it is? It is a child. It is developing,” he said. “After you are born you are still developing. So the argument is if you are still developing, you are not really human. If that is the case, you might not be really human until you are 30. You are still developing.”
Earlier this year, Bonow was featured in Oprah Winfrey’s O Magazine in an article she wrote titled “How One Woman Became an Activist With the Hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion.”
While Bonow has launched a movement of women praising their abortions in an attempt to destigmatize the act, there are countless women who have opened up about their regrets of having an abortion over the last several years through a movement called Silent No More.
Although women who “shout” their abortions are being heralded by left-leaning media outlets, those outlets have largely turned a blind eye to women who regret their abortions.
“It’s my experience that most of these liberal magazines won’t give us the voice,” said Silent No More cofounder Janet Morana in an interview with CP earlier this year. “We’d love to have it. Can we have some equal time? Can we have a fair and honest debate? Can I bring a few women who can talk about the physical damage and you can bring a few who think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, and let’s have an open and honest conversation? But they don’t want to do that.”
Source: Christian Post
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