CrossFit fired its chief knowledge officer, Russell Berger, after he said on Twitter that he personally believes celebrating pride is a sin.

Berger was referring to an Indianapolis CrossFit gym’s decision to cancel an LGBT-Pride themed workout. Berger applauded the gym for saying pride is neither godly, nor healthy and “true health forever can only be found within humility.”

He also called out those in the LGBTQ movement who “lack tolerance for disagreement.”

Those who disagreed with Berger’s personal opinions immediately began calling for his firing on social media.

CrossFit quickly responded by first placing him on unpaid leave, and then firing him hours later.

The company released a statement saying it is a “diverse community in every way” before saying Berger’s personal convictions “do not reflect the views of CrossFit Inc.”

“CrossFit is a diverse community in every way, and that’s what makes us strong. No matter who you are, how you’re built, what you believe, or who or how you love—we are proud of you.”

“The statements made today by Russell Berger do not reflect the views of CrossFit Inc. For this reason, his employment with CrossFit has been terminated.”

Berger has since deleted the controversial tweets. The Indianapolis CrossFit gym that decided to cancel the LGBT event has also shut down.

Source: CBN News


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