States who manage Medicaid in concert with the federal government will now be able to cut Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortion providers, thanks to the Trump Administration.
According to the Washington Examiner, the Trump Administration has issued an order rescinding an Obama-era directive from April 2016, warning states that “restricting Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood could violate federal law.”
The Obama directive was issued as a rebuke to mostly Republican state legislators who floated the idea of blocking Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicare payments — a key part of Planned Parenthood’s funding — after several Planned Parenthood clinics were caught on video offering to sell fetal tissue and other aborted baby parts for medical research.
The Department of Justice opened its own investigation into Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue sales in December, and an assistant attorney general requested complete copies of redacted documents obtained during a Senate Judiciary Committee investigation into the gruesome practice.
It is against the law to profit from the sale of any human organ or tissue.
Health and Human Services Secretary Charmaine Yoest called the Trump Administration’s decision to rescind the Obama-era directive a return to previous standards of Medicaid reimbursement.
“States who run Medicaid jointly have had a say in whether providers in borders (are) eligible to participate in Medicaid program,” Yoest told media. She went on to say that the federal government would not push states to defund Planned Parenthood, and that states should consider the change a recognition of their right to handle health care funds the way they see fit rather than the federal government “putting a thumb on the scale.”
The move marks the first effort by the Trump Administration to take an active role in helping states cut abortion providers off from taxpayer dollars.
Source: Daily Wire
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