JJ Abrams has spoken out for the first time to address the growing fan rumours and petitions for gay characters in the Star Wars universe.
“To me, the fun of Star Wars is the glory of possibility,” he says.
“So it seems insanely narrow-minded and counterintuitive to say that there wouldn’t be a homosexual character in that world.”
“When I talk about inclusivity it’s not excluding gay characters,” he added. “It’s about inclusivity. So, of course.”
The mounting fan obsession with a Finn and Poe romance was only encouraged by the growing bromance between the two actors, Boyega and Isaacs, who have embraced the idea of a new kind of Star Wars love story.
Isaacs even revealed recently that he was “playing romance” in his cockpit scenes with his handsome co-star in The Force Awakens.

Boyega admitted that he was looking to the director of Episode VIII, Rian Johnson, for cues as to what direction the relationship will take.
“I’m looking at the director Rian closely so he can get me involved early, so I can prepare myself. So who knows?” he said.
A new video posted online by Boyega only added to the speculation.
“Yeah baby, go on, give it to me,” cries Oscar Isaacs to John Boyega in the fun clip.
We are kidding you not, it’s right there on John Boyega’s Twitter page. OK, so the new video is of the pair working out in the gym, but it prompted Boyega to reveal his thoughts on the potential romance.
“I posted a video the other day of myself working out, skipping, and in the background Oscar is just like, ‘Yeah baby go on’ and people just went crazy,” he said.
The recent BAFTA winner says it’s entirely possible the director of Episode VIII will take their relationship in this new and “surprising direction”.
“As far as I’m concerned when JJ [Abrams] sat us down to go through the script, it was a bromance, but now I’m learning what Mark Hamill said before when he didn’t know that Darth Vader was Luke’s father: you never know what they’re going to pull.”
Fan-made videos splicing together scenes of the two characters in The Force Awakens have proliferated on the internet.
Fan art has also portrayed the pair as a romantic couple, with the director of the next film, Rian Johnson, happily retweeting some of the images.
Isaac, himself, fanned the rumours during a recent interview with Ellen.
“I was playing romance. In the cockpit I was playing romance,” he said.
Anyone who has seen The Force Awakens will know that Poe was only ever in the cockpit with ONE character throughout the whole film, a certain plucky rebel Stormtrooper.
“I think it’s very subtle romance that’s happening,” Isaac added. “You have to watch it a few times to see the little hints.”
Let’s not forget that Poe gives Finn his name as he ‘comes out’ from the shadow of the First Order and assumes his new identity.
Fans have backed up the growing theory with the romantic notion of Poe giving Finn his jacket, rather like a gentleman lending a lady his coat. It’s something that Finn treasures throughout the film.
Screen grabs of allegedly loaded looks between Poe and Finn have added to the rumours. And that’s all before the joyously affectionate reunion of the two characters later in the film.
Fans have started to create romantic art pairing up the two handsome leads, so could the famous franchise be poised to break the biggest barrier of all?
The Force Awakens smashed blockbuster and big screen convention by boldly placing a woman and a black man front and centre of a major franchise.
And so the producers are now asking if a major gay lead character is a step too far?
The Force Awakens has smashed every box office record since its release which has emboldened their view that nothing can derail the success of the new trilogy.
It seems nothing can stop the LGBT juggernaut from dominating every aspect of film and TV. Christian families need to be more vigilant more than ever before.
Source: The Express | Curated by: CWR Staff
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