In the latest indicator that the world’s biggest social network is not the neutral forum it claims to be, Facebook maintains a list of right-wing “hate agents” to be singled out for potential termination.
Breitbart recently broke the news in two reports on an April spreadsheet identifying personalities to be investigated not only for illegal conduct such as promoting violence but for alleged association with any “designated hate entity,” “designated hateful ideology,” or “hate paraphernalia.” Some of the names were left-wing, but most were right-of-center.
Those named included several figures banned earlier this month from Facebook and Instagram for being “dangerous,” such as Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson, and Louis Farrakhan. But while some conservatives initially dismissed the controversy based on the past words and actions of the particular targets, Breitbart’s latest reporting revealed that at least two more mainstream figures also made the list: conservative commentator Candace Owens and Brigitte Gabriel, a prominent activist against Islamic extremism.
The spreadsheet labeled Owens “extra credit” whom Facebook should “look into” after dispensing with other targets. The revelation came shortly after Facebook temporarily suspended her for a post imploring her fellow black Americans to see “liberal supremacy” as a greater threat than white supremacy, which Facebook later claimed was a “mistake.”
Dear @realDonaldTrump,
My @facebook page has been suspended for 7 days for posting that white supremacy is not a threat to black America, as much as father absence and & liberal policies that incentivize it, are.
I am censored for posting the poverty rates in fatherless homes. pic.twitter.com/Yh9DSW6DPk
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 17, 2019
Gabriel, meanwhile, was flagged for alleged “Tier 1 Hate Speech” in the form of allegedly having “compared Arabs to barbarians,” a speech referencing the “Islamic cancer of terrorism and radicalism,” and referring to Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, who is currently facing terror charges, as a “depraved Muslim terrorist” (as well as an unspecified “designated hate organization” providing security at an event she attended). She says the list misrepresents her words.
“When I referred to ‘Arabs as Barbarians,’ I didn’t say it that way,” Gabriel explained to Breitbart. “I was talking about Palestinian suicide bombers who blow themselves up to kill Jews,” such as Um Nidal, a Hamas member and proud mother of three suicide-bomber “martyrs.”
Regarding the “cancer” quote, “I was discussing the rise of terrorism in Europe” she said. “I said Europe is at stage four cancer. They have ignored the problem for so long that now the problem has metastasized in the culture, and intelligence agencies are having a hard time keeping up with monitoring the tens of thousands of people on their list. I said America is at stage two cancer. We can still implement the security measures we need to monitor and nip Islamic radicalism rising in any community in the U.S.”
Facebook hit Gabriel with one 24-hour suspension over her condemnation of Wahhaj, and the spreadsheet suggested her overall record could be grounds for “lifetime deletion for hate speech – dehumanizing.”
Freedom of Speech Must ALWAYS be Protected! It’s not the FIRST Amendment for No Reason.
The Founders knew this had to be something that was protected otherwise men consumed with power would try to silence their critics.
The Founders predicted the modern day left.
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) May 21, 2019
A Facebook spokeswoman confirmed to Breitbart the existence of the list but suggested it has not yet led to an investigation of Owens. The social media giant did not respond to the follow-up about Gabriel.
The revelations further reinforce conservative fears of what they call Facebook’s discrimination against and suppression of right-of-center content. The social network recently came under fire for blocking objective informational links about abortion from the American Pregnancy Association’s website and criticism of a Canadian coin to celebrate homosexuality, as well as flagging accurate reporting about a controversial history textbook as false. In March, a Project Veritas investigation detailed how Facebook “deboosts” traffic to several mainstream conservative sites.
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
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