The iconic opening of “ladies and gentleman” from the start of announcements on London’s transport network could be scrapped in favour of a more gender neutral phrase.
The move has come after a London woman was told by Transport for London staff that she “didn’t sound like a Miss,” by a member of the Oyster helpline’s customer service team
. Aimee Challenor, 19, has expressed her shock over her identity being called into question based on “outdated stereotypes.”
“I knew it wasn’t right. London is massively diverse and it’s something we should be incredibly proud of so I knew it had to be raised, if it affected me it could affect anyone.”
Mr Khan has apologised to Ms Challenor, saying that he acknowledges it was an “inappropriate remark”.

Mr Khan, the son of a London bus driver, has apologised to Ms Challenor over the incident (Image: PA Wire)
He has promised to do more to foster equality, including potentially removing “ladies and gentlemen” from Transport for London announcements.
“TfL’s approach is centred on treating everyone equally, while understanding the specific needs of different customers,” Mr Khan said, in response to Ms Berry.
“I have asked for a review of training and procedures to ensure that TfL is always providing a professional, respectful service that is inclusive and sensitive to the needs of all Londoners.”
Ms Challenor believes gender-neutral announcements are a good start.
“There are many people out there with some degree of gender variance and, with our huge population, a large number of Londoners will be trans and non binary,” she said.
“Gender neutral announcements will make a difference not just to trans people but to everyone who thinks being greeted as ‘ladies and gentleman’ is out of date.”
Source: Nine News
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