Last week, during an International Women’s Day protest, feminists staged a bloody abortion on a woman dressed as the Virgin Mary, outside an Argentinean cathedral.

Apparently engaging in “performance art,” feminists donning pink masks poured out massive amounts of fake blood as they pretended to abort a baby. The smiling woman dressed as Mary was wearing a rosary and a veil and holding a triumphant finger in the air.

LifeSiteNews reports:

The photo of the “performance art” was circulated on social media. Clarin and a Spanish EWTN affiliate reported that Tucuman Archbishop Alfredo Zecca condemned it.

“It is with great sadness that we read about this highly offensive protest in Argentina,” Maureen Ferguson of The Catholic Association told LifeSiteNews. “It is gravely disrespectful to mock the faith of billions of people in the woman whom National Geographic recently described as ‘The Most Powerful Woman in the World’ in its cover story on the Virgin Mary. It is also highly ironic for a feminist march protesting femicide to advocate for the right to take human lives, including the lives of female babies. Annually about 25 million little girls are aborted worldwide.”


A group known as Socorro Rosa Tucuman praised the “art,” reported EWTN’s Spanish affiliate. In a now-deleted post, the group said the feminists were aborting “patriarchy” and “forced heterosexuality.”

National Director of Priests for Life’s Father Frank Pavone called the mock abortion “grotesque and blasphemous,” adding that it’s a representation of what “every abortion actually is.”

“This grotesque and blasphemous act represents what every abortion actually is, and those who are upset by it should be equally upset by each and every abortion that occurs,” Father Pavone told LifeSiteNews. “As Pope St. John Paul the Second wrote in Evangelium Vitae, every attack on a human life is an attack on God and every rejection of a human life is a rejection of Christ himself.

“This act also shows what is at the foundation of the hard-core pro-abortion people,” Father Pavone added. “They hate the church, and they literally want to abort Jesus off the face of the earth in every manifestation of his presence today.”

March for Life President Jeanne Mancini said the feminists’ performance “is symbolic of the painful confusion in our culture regarding the inherent dignity and vocation of woman.”

“This scenario serves to remind us that we have our work cut out for us,” said Mancini. “It is symbolic of the painful confusion in our culture regarding the inherent dignity and vocation of woman. In particular, it shows a deep misunderstanding and lack of appreciation that a woman’s capacity for motherhood is a beautiful gift to be treasured, not a liability and not a right either. Thankfully Mary, mother of Jesus, was courageous despite her difficult circumstance and said yes to motherhood and the miracle of life.”

As noted by LifeSiteNews, feminists in Buenos Aires “tried to set the city’s cathedral on fire” in honor of International Women’s Day.

Source: Daily Wire


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