Blessed Sacrament Church in the Archdiocese of New York has announced that its “Gay Fellowship” group will be partnering with Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way Foundation” to hold a fundraising dance in the parish hall.
According to promotional materials displayed on the parish website, the event, which is styled a “dance party,” is called “Moving With the Spirit,” and will feature “cocktails, cabaret, silent auction, and dancing.” It is scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday, June 17.
The parish’s “Gay Fellowship” is headed by John Gasdaska, a man who “married” his homosexual partner in 2016 in an Episcopal church. Blessed Sacrament’s administration organized a celebration of Gasdaska’s “marriage” soon after the “wedding,” openly publicizing the event in the parish bulletin.
The money raised by the dance will be used to fund the activities of two homosexualist organizations: the Born this Way Foundation and the Ali Forney Center. It will also raise money for Blessed Sacrament’s “outreach to the poor.”

Carl Siciliano, executive director of the Ali Forney Center, will be present at the dance. Siciliano is a former Catholic monk and self-declared “gay” man who holds that it is “child abuse” and “homophobia” to teach children the Catholic Church’s condemnation of homosexual behavior. He has even produced a video called “Not a Sin” to promote this thesis, in which he claims, “I love my Church, but I’m ashamed at the way it’s hurting children with its teachings.”
“Teaching that homosexuality is evil is rooted in human ignorance and human bigotry,” says Siciliano. “It’s not from God.”
The Ali Forney Center is named after an adolescent drug addict whose career as a petty criminal and transvestite prostitute led to his admission to a group home at age 13, and ultimately his decision to live in the streets, where he was finally shot in the head at age 23, still engaged in prostitution. The Center offers shelter to teens who identify as “LGBTQ” and seeks to give them “pride and security in their LGBTQ identities,” even going so far as to provide them with transsexual “hormone therapy” as well as contraception.
The Born this Way Foundation was created by the singer “Lady Gaga,” who is known for her lurid exhibitionist performances. The name of her organization is the title of a song in which she sings, “No matter gay, straight, or bi, Lesbian, transgendered life, I’m on the right track baby, I was born to survive.”
The pastor of Blessed Sacrament, Fr. John Duffell, who will also attend the dance, is a friend of Lady Gaga who has reportedly counseled seminary candidates to lie about their same-sex attraction to get into seminaries.
A request for comment from Cardinal Timothy Dolan and his director of communications, Joseph Zwilling, was not answered by press time.
The Catholic Church condemns all forms of sexual behavior outside of natural sexual intercourse between a man and a woman united in marriage, and warns that those who die unrepentant of such sins will suffer eternal damnation. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
The Holy See also teaches that it is the “duty” of Catholics to oppose homosexual unions, even when they have been legalized, declaring in 2003: “In those situations where…
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