Experienced Pastor And Church Planting Leader Comes Out As Transgender Woman
A prominent pastor and the leader of a Church Planting organization has come out as a transgender woman, reports The New York Times.
Church of England chief backs ‘re-christenings’ after sex changes
Church of England suggests offering "re-christenings" for transgenders. The move is believed to provoke a furious backlash from traditional Christians.
United Methodists Commission ‘Non-Binary’ Transgender as Deacon
The United Methodist Church have commissioned Deacon M. Barclay—who identifies as a "non-binary trans" person—this week.
Gallup Poll: Only 24% of Americans Believe Bible is Literal Word of God
A new Gallup poll shows that only 24% of Americans believe the Bible is the "literal word" of God, which is a decline from the 1970s.
Pentecostal Church in North Carolina Is Turned Into Islamic Center
A North Carolina church was turned into an Islamic center where an Episcopal priest and other pastors took part in a joint service to dedicate the facility.
Over 150 ‘Queer’ United Methodist Clergy Sign Letter Demanding LGBT Ordination
Nearly 150 United Methodist clergy have signed a letter demanding that the Mainline Protestant denomination recognize LGBT ordination.
More Than 20 Faith Leaders Bless Planned Parenthood’s New D.C. Clinic
More than 20 local faith leaders came together to 'bless' the organization's newest health clinic in Washington D.C. last Tuesday.