There are few people more liberal than Fareed Zakaria, a Washington Post columnist and host of his own show on CNN.

And even Fareed thinks things are getting out of hand.

Here’s what he said on Saturday (make sure you’re sitting down):

“Freedom of speech and thought is not just for warm fuzzy ideas that we find comfortable, it’s for ideas that we find offensive,” Zakaria said. Then, noting that Notre Dame walked out on Vice President Mike Pence at their commencement, he took liberals to task.

“There is also an anti-intellectualism on the left. An attitude of self-righteousness that says we are so pure, we are so morally superior; we cannot bear to hear an idea with which we disagree. Liberals think they are tolerant — but often they aren’t,” he said.

Which brings us to last week, when a couple of buses full of eighth graders from South Orange Middle School in New Jersey came to Washington, D.C., on a field trip.

They did all the touristy things you do in Washington, and they ended at the U.S. Capitol, where — what a lucky day! — they got to meet House Speaker Paul Ryan, the third most powerful man in the government.

Then it was time for photos. While 100 kids stood with Ryan for a group shot on the building steps, another hundred stood on the other side of the street, refusing to be in the picture.

Yes, you got that right: The pack of 13 year olds had decided to take a strong political stand against the Republican leader (most likely in protest of his 2015 decision not to cast a vote on the “Joint Resolution Providing for Congressional Disapproval Under Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code,” but we can’t be sure).

Let’s make sure we get this right: A group of pimply faced kids — who spend all day with their faces buried in their phones Snapchatting and Facebooking and Instagramming, who aren’t into being proactive as much as they are into buying more Proactiv — had decided to reject the politics of the Wisconsin congressman and, so strong was their opposition, they simply could not bear even to stand together for a moment to snap a picture.

When Ryan uploaded the image to Instagram (where half the kids saw it within seconds, no doubt), “the ones who had refused to be in it flooded the comments section with insults and complaints,” the Daily Mail reported.

“Half of us stood across the street including me because we hate you,” said one. “The fact that he puts his party before his country, he likes to think of what his party will think of him other than what his country will think of him,” said Matthew Malespina, 13.

For the record, I’m an expert on young teens (I had two of them not long ago). They couldn’t care less about current events and couldn’t pick the Speaker of the House out of a line-up, even if that line-up was made up only of Pokemon characters. There’s a 50-50 chance they don’t know the name of the vice president, and most couldn’t find North Korea on a world map. No, they’re not dumb, they’re just too busy with themselves and their friends and devising ways to get a pair of Yeezy Boost sneakers.

So we’re to believe that this group of kids all decided — on their own — not to take a picture with the man who is third in the line of succession — a man who, there’s plenty of time, could one day be president of the United States?

“Matthew’s mother Elissa supported his decision, telling she was proud of him and the rest of the children for standing up for what they believe in.”

Please. Thirteen-year-old kids can’t handle making their own lunch let alone carefully weighing a complex political issue.

Said the Mail: “Matthew stood by his decision. He flatly ruled out ever posing with President Trump but enthusiastically said he’d have a snap taken with Hillary Clinton. ‘I would never take a picture with that man. Never. (But) Definitely, I would take a picture with Hillary Clinton,’ he said.”

The comment section in the Mail article was full of criticism for the childish move by the children.

“He would pose for a photo with Clinton but not with Trump. Says it all really….. Little snowflake generation. The world never stopped because you didn’t have your photo taken!!!” wrote one.

“If you’re truly open minded and tolerant, you’re willing to discuss your opinions — not yell out that ‘we hate you’. These kids have obviously been brain washed to hate people who disagree with them and haven’t been taught basic respect for others,” wrote another.

“I do think its a sad state of affairs when children cant even be excited to meet the speaker of the house regardless of party. What has happened to my country? I was raised in the eighties and taught to respect others right to disagree without fear of violence or name calling,” wrote a reader from Gettysburg, Pa. (another place a 13 year old couldn’t find on a map!).

Yes, Fareed is right. Schools — and especially college campuses — are meant to be places where young minds openly take in all viewpoints. Perhaps these parents should teach their children that. And maybe they should have prompted them to ask a question of the Speaker, then listen respectfully to the answer, as would be polite — and grown up.

Instead they indoctrinated their children with hate and told their kids that they don’t even have to listen to a viewpoint with which they might disagree.

You gotta’ wonder what they’ve told their kids about today, Memorial Day.

Source: The Daily Wire


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