One year ago this month, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo this week signed into law a bill that legalizes abortions up to birth. While that has been the main focus of the legislation, the new law also revokes medical care for babies who are born alive after botched abortions.
While Congress and legislatures in other states have tried to passed laws called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which require doctors to provide appropriate medical care and treatment for babies who are born alive after a failed abortion, the state of New York is moving the other direction. New York now essentially allows infanticide.
The law Gov. Cuomo signed repealed section 4164 of NY’s Public Health Law, which mandated medical care for any baby born alive during an abortion.
“When an abortion is to be performed after the twentieth week of pregnancy, a physician other than the physician performing the abortion shall be in attendance to take control of and to provide immediate medical care for any live birth that is the result of the abortion,” the law reads.
Does this mean that babies will just be left to die in new York at abortion clinics if they somehow survive the abortion procedure? As Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, tells LifeNews, the answer is yes.
“This law guarantees it, sweeping away a large chunk of the penal codes that protected abortion survivors. Thanks to this Act, Kermit Gosnell, and his bloodstained, cat-infested, third-world excuse for a clinic, would be untouchable,” he said. “The Resurgent’s Stacey Lennox puts that into its gruesome context. “For those of you who saw the movie [Gosnell], Baby B would not be considered a victim.”
““Person,” as far as this law is concerned, means a human being who has been born and is alive. Not a second before, and maybe — without infant protections — not few seconds after either,” he continued.
Another analysis from Hot Air of the new law concurs that born alive infants will be left to die in New York.
Contrary to what its proponents say, the RHA goes far beyond Roe vs. Wade in its aggressive extremism. Granting non-doctors permission to perform abortions does nothing to advance the security and health of women. Condoning coerced or involuntary abortions by repealing criminal sanctions even in cases where a perpetrator seeks to make his partner “un-pregnant” through an act of physical violence does not represent any kind of progress in the choice, safety or health of women. Removing protection for an infant accidentally born alive during an abortion is abject cruelty, something most people of conscience would deem inhumane for even a dog or cat. Finally, allowing late-term abortions is nothing less than a license to kill a pre-born child at will.
The law removes protections for babies who survive an abortion procedure, according to a third analysis.
“The new law removes protections for babies born alive after an abortion — meaning they could be left to die after birth — by rescinding a portion of New York’s public health law,” Live Action reported.
With Nancy Pelosi blocking the Born Alive bill in the House, it’s even more important for states to protect babies who survive abortions. Thankfully, states like Kentucky are doing just that.
Source: Life News
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