A new poll reveals wide-spread opposition to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s demands for support of abortion for any reason up to birth.
Last year, Trudeau’s administration introduced a new policy requiring any group that applies for a Canadian Summer Jobs grant sign a statement that they support abortion (the killing of unborn babies).
The policy has been met with continuous criticism, especially by faith leaders in the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu communities. And many programs that served refugees, low-income children and other minority groups have been forced to close or drastically reduce their programs as a result.
This week, a poll by the Knights of Columbus found a majority of Canadians (51 percent) think the pro-abortion policy is unfair, while just 27 percent think it is a fair requirement.
In addition, 47 percent said the requirement is discriminatory, while 26 percent disagree. And only 29 percent think the policy should be expanded to other grant programs; 50 percent oppose the expansion.
Interestingly, the poll found that many Canadians are not aware of the new pro-abortion policy. According to the findings, just 26 percent said they were aware, while 66 percent said they had not heard about Trudeau’s new ideological compliance demands.
Canadians support abortion at a greater rate than Americans, with 62 percent identifying as “pro-choice.” However, consistent with Americans’ beliefs, the poll numbers indicate that a strong majority (65 percent) – including 52 percent of pro-choicers — want abortion to be limited to the first trimester.
Canadian abortion laws are some of the worst in the world, even more permissive than America’s. And the new Canadian Summer Jobs policy just increases its radicalism.
Canadian taxpayers pay about $200 million a year to support the youth-based program, which provides funding for businesses and non-profits to offer temporary summer jobs to youth ages 15 to 30. It is a way the government encourages young people to get hands-on training before entering the workforce full-time.
In the past, both pro-life and pro-abortion organizations have received grants to offer jobs to young adults. However, pro-abortion political leaders cut off grants to groups that will not bow to the altar of abortion on demand.
This year, the Trudeau administration rejected a record 1,500 grant applications because they “either didn’t check off the [pro-abortion] attestation or included a clarification or modification of it,” the National Post reports. In comparison, it rejected only 126 of more than 40,000 applications in 2017, according to the report.
The pro-abortion policy was introduced last fall for the 2018 grants.
Earlier this spring, a group of Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders met with Trudeau’s administration to discuss a compromise; but Employment Minister Patty Hajdu refused, according to the National Post. Sikh and Hindu religious leaders also have spoken out against the pro-abortion attestation.
“In spite of our ongoing efforts at dialogue with the government … it has been made clear to us by the minister that there will be no accommodation provided, and no changes made to the attestation for this year,” the religious leaders said in a statement after the meeting.
They may consider legal action.
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